Day 8 of the '100 Days of Code Challenge'

things come together

Another relaxing Sunday is on the plan. Outside it constantly raining so it is just a perfect day for some hours of coding. In the meantime, my App grows slowly into a real App and I became an idea of what this could look like when everything from my ideas gets real. I think that I understood the basic concept of dart really well. Now I'm able to go to the next lectures like forms and stateful classes which I avoided in the beginng. In the next week, I want to program some form and start to save data dynamically. So I have to work out a concept of how I should save the data. It's very cool to gets deeper and deeper into this project for every progress I made. This motivates me to go on and hope I'm able to see the finished App in the next months.

But on the other side every day I got reminded of how much knowledge is missing and how bad I'm at using the laptop. For example, these are the skills I would like to be better at:

  • Using all 10 fingers at the keyboard
  • Use IntelliJ for dart coding instead of VS-Code - I personally don't like VS-Code
  • Didn't use the mouse for every klick, instead, use it more often the keyboard -> I think this feels more smooth